Personalised vinyl candle sticker / decals these are great additions to stick onto your candles / holders to make them more personalised and to create that perfect gift. They are electronically cut out of exterior vinyl which makes them waterproof. They are suitable for many occasions including Birthdays, Christenings, Holy Communions and Weddings to name a few
Funny Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great for a funny gift for someone who needs a laugh Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80 mm These are high quality vinyl stickers available...
Thank you for helping me shine (Teacher's Name) Love from Child's Name Personalised Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great to create a teacher gift Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80...
Mom is temporarily out of service when lit Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great for creating a gift for your mom Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80 mm These are...
Pet Memorial Personalised Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great for remembering your lost animal Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80 mm These are high quality vinyl stickers available in these colours...
Teachers Plant Seeds that grow Forever Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great for creating a Teacher gift Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80 mm These are high quality vinyl stickers available...
It takes a big heart to help shape little minds Thank you so much Personalised Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great to create a teacher thank you gift Size: Width 80...
Thank you for being my Bridesmaid Personalised Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great for creating a personalised wedding Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80 mm These are high quality vinyl...
Mother of the Bride / Groom personalised Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great for creating a personalised gift for your wedding Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80 mm These are...
A Mother's Heart Candle Vinyl Decal Sticker Great for creating a gift for your mom Size: Width 80 mm x Height 80 mm These are high quality vinyl stickers available in...